The God Father
Even bigger than the Maximum Showtime 2 Compound Display Kit although the Godfather has a few less shots many of them are maximum bore size making for an adrenaline filled pyro display, plus it’s nearly three minutes long! There are just far too many different effects to mention here so your best bet is to sit […]
Even bigger than the Maximum Showtime 2 Compound Display Kit although the Godfather has a few less shots many of them are maximum bore size making for an adrenaline filled pyro display, plus it’s nearly three minutes long! There are just far too many different effects to mention here so your best bet is to sit back for the next 2:40 seconds, turn up the speakers and watch all 188 shots of sky filling action. Category 3.
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Up In Smoke Theatre Co. Ltd
45 Brickfields Business Park
SP8 4P
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Up In Smoke Theatre Co. Ltd
45 Brickfields Business Park